Sunday, May 14, 2006

Conservation of Matter

n. Physics - the principle that matter cannot be created or destroyed, regardless of its changes in form or reactions between the parts.

So can someone explain to me how 1 teaspoon of potatoes and 1 tablespoon of water can morph into a quart and a half of projectile vomit?

The plane ride down to Florida for Mother's Day Weekend went better than expected - Katy slept most of the way down, much to the delight of the gentleman in the seat in front of her. And she even got to enjoy herself at the pool for an hour or so that afternoon. The fireworks didn't start until Thursday evening, a few hours after she had hit the sack for the night.

I will puke green eggs and ham,
I will puke them in your hand.
I will puke them on the floor,
puke and puke and puke some more.

I have never seen so much come from something so small. Every fifteen minutes for five hours. And in exact reverse order from the way I saw it go down. (Hey! aren't those grapes? and that looks a little like a chicken nugget.) I always thought of a stomach as a little like a washing machine, but apparently it's more like a single-file line when it comes to u-turns.

Four pairs of pajamas later (and two for me), she finally dozed off to sleep for a couple of hours. Later on Friday morning, she seemed to be getting back to normal - we started to rest easy thinking it was a 12-hour virus and we can be on our way to the beach in no time. Little did I know those germs were only incubating, organizing the troops and strengthening for their next assault. Their plan - wait until I put on my favorite white shorts.

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