Saturday, May 06, 2006

Funny Lady

I didn't know that last Wednesday was the start of a phase. "Fish and cookies" is now her standard answer to everything.

(Coloring at the highchair with markers)
"Which color do you want? Red? Blue?"....signs fish, signs cookie...

(Sitting in her room before bedtime)
"Which book do you want to read, 'Goodnight Moon' or 'Hungry Catepillar'?"

(Takes a spill while pushing her tricycle around the driveway)
"Aww, sweetie, don't cry. Did you get a boo-boo? Can you show me where?"
Looks up with the tears still in her eyes and a smile on her face..."feesh?"

You get the idea.

I think I'm finally catching on to this - she's finally showing us her sense of humor. Before now she would laugh when we laughed, let out a giggle at a silly face...shoot she'd down right wet her pants when we'd start tickling her feet. But this whole fish~cookie business is her first attempt at creating humor. Pretty neat if you ask me, especially since I know which one of us she gets it from.

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