Thursday, May 04, 2006

Lost in Translation

Apparently, "a few highlites for summer" doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does to the woman who did my hair this morning at Carmen!Carmen!

Well, whatever. It is just hair.

Speaking of which, at what age does curly hair become taboo? We see it on children all the time, perfectly formed ringlets and long, cascading waves. And everyone thinks it is adorable. I even had people say that to me, after Katy was born. "Oooohh - maybe she'll get the curly hair!" But apparently someone, somewhere decided that you only graduate into womanhood with the purchase of a flat iron and straightening serum.

The stylist this morning asked me if I ever straightened my hair. (Ha!) "I always leave it curly. Mostly because it's easier, but mainly out of principle."

Miss Naturally Straight Hair didn't get it.

Who decided that beautiful women only come with straight hair? Probably the ones who determined we aren't supposed to have stretch marks or a stray chin hair, either. Ever watch a makeover show? It's the first thing they do - pull out some straightening creme, a hair dryer, and voila! Look at her! She's so much prettier now, right everyone? And all the flat-ironed heads in the audience nod in agreement. Follicular discrimination at its finest.

Enough for now. These chin hairs are a-callin...

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